Export Features Overview: biExport vs. Lumira Designer vs. Custom Implementation
The following fact sheet is intended as an overview of biExport's features. If you are planning an export project for Lumira Designer dashboards or applications, I am sure you will find the feature you are searching for.
Also we compare the features against the Lumira Designer standard features, and the features that you would get with a custom or community component.
You can also download the factsheet in PDF format.

Custom implementation based on open source JS libraries
Lumira Designer Standard
Format Support
PDF WYSIWYG One pagers
Page orrientation, format, file name, choose components to be hidden
Page orrientation, format, file name
Page orrientation, format, file name
PDF Export Layouts
redefine positioning of elements in the PDF document
„report style layout“ exports selected components in a fixed layout on separate pages
PDF Header & Footer
fully customizable by section. Include filters, logos, HTML, dashboard components
page number, date, logo, text and meta data can be included in a fixed layout
Enhanced PDF documents including title page & TOC
Word or PowerPoint document as Template
PowerPoint Export
fully customizable
Word Export
fully customizable
Excel Export
fully customizable, also charts as native elements or images
export crosstabs on separate worksheets or open datasource in SAP Analysis for Office
CSV Export
export data from all data sources. single selection or all data at once is possible
export data from all data sources. single selection or all data at once is possible
Corporate Design/ Templates
simple creating of any PowerPoint, Word or Excel document format, including macros
Component selection
by designer / by user
by designer
as images
up to 5 times screen resolution
as native charts, tables or texts
standard components, other components on request
document refresh
in PowerPoint, Word, Excel via biAnalytics Office addin
limited to exports to Analysis for Office
Component support
Component support
no limitations, also custom components
chart, crosstab, map, some SDKs
Keep all formats
all CSS styles are kept
Customizable export styling
for tables special export stylings can be defined
Full table content
missing rows are styled the same way as the online table
Customizable split of huge tables
tables can be split individually to meet all business requirements
Export all tabs / hidden components
full application can be exported, even if parts are hidden when the export is started
Briefing Books, Boradcasting etc.
online, mail, web service, file folder, SAP system
- set frequence or on event
- with authorization of initiating or specified user
- Available for all formats and destinations
- explicit views or multiple views can be chosen
- set frequence or event
- with authorization of initiating or specified user
- PDF, mail only variant can be chosen
available for all formats
PDF only
Mail Bursting
automated sending of different views to explicit mail recipients
Multiple applications in one document
an export document can contain contents from multiple different applications
Multiple views / selections in one document
biExport can execute multiple different views of an application to include them into one document or create multiple individual documents
Add-hoc „add view“ compilation of briefing books
users can compile briefing books individually by selecting the views they want to export
Dynamic document compilation
documents can be defined and created dynamically via scripting
Professional Architecture
HTTPS request to central on premise / cloud biExport instance. Built-in queuing & load balancing
client side execution
Scripting support
all properties can be controlled via scripting
Ready for custom requirements
exapandable toolbox, custom addons possible
Multi language support
including LTR / RTL support